Voicing Abbreviations
Below are the abbreviations Prelude uses for Voicing Detail. Use these when searching the Voicing/Instrumentation field in the More Options search.
5: quintet
4: quartet
acc: accompaniment
bar: baritone
bng: bongos
br4: brass quartet
br5: brass quintet
bsn: bassoon
cant: cantor
ch: chimes
cl: clarinet
congregation: use “assembly”
cont: continuo
cym: cymbal
DB: double or string bass
dbl: double
desc: descant
div: divisi
drm: drum
eng hrn: English horn
fc: finger cymbals
fl: flute
glock: glockenspiel
gtr: guitar
hb: handbells
hc: handchimes
hp: harp
hpd: harpsichord
hrn: horn
inst: instrument
kybd: keyboard
M: medium
MH: medium high
ML: medium low
mxd: mixed
narr: narrator:
ob: oboe
oct: octave
opt: optional
orch: orchestra
org: organ
perc: percussion
picc: piccolo
pno: piano<
pt: part (e.g. “2 pt” – no hyphen)
rec: recorder
sax: saxophone
sop: soprano
str: strings
synth: synthesizer
tamb: tambourine
tba : tuba
tbn: trombone
tpt: trumpet
timp: timpani
trbl: treble
tri: triangle
U: unison
vc : violoncello
vcs: voices
vla: viola
vln: violin
wch: windchimes
ww: woodwind
xyl : xylophone: