Planner Page: Commentary

At the bottom of the Planner Page you’ll see a little tab that reads “Commentary”. Click on this tab and a Commentary panel will slide into view (click the tab again to retract it out of view). This area provides lectionary-based enrichment content to help you discover ideas and themes for your music planning.
There are two Commentaries you can read here:
A lectionary-day commentary by Gail Ramshaw, focusing on ideas and images that the lectionary suggests; and,
A specifically music-oriented set of suggestions, ideas, and notes for that lectionary day, from a changing group of expert church musicians from around the country.
Simply click on the tab for whichever of these commentaries you’d like to read.
Above the commentaries you’ll see the date, the season, and the liturgical color for the day shown.
On the left side of this panel is a calendar picker and a lectionary day picker, allowing you to explore the ideas surrounding any lectionary day or date, now or in the future. When you first come to this panel it will display the Commentary for the next upcoming lectionary day. Simply choose a different date or day and click the green “go” button to change the commentary content on the right. The date or day of the Commentary won’t affect the date or day of any Plan you might be working on in the main Planning area.