Details Overlay
The Details overlay appears whenever you click on a Title to a musical work, whether you’re in the Planner looking at search results, or looking at a work within Plan Details, or editing the data on an item in My Library or My Church’s Library.
If the work you’re looking at is from the Prelude Library you won’t be able to edit any of the data. If, however, the work is from My Library or My Church’s Library, all of the data is editable.
There are several panels to this overlay, each with unique and useful data and functions:
Details panel
Basic Information
Listed in: this shows which Library this work resides in.
Title (REQUIRED): obviously the Title of the work; if you’re adding/editing this, we recommend that you enter it as you’d like to see it in a program or bulletin.
Subtitle: if there is one.
Collection: many musical works are from collections, but in your Prelude Plans you’ll want to plan single works. Each Prelude work is a single work, but the title of the Collection it comes from is found here.
Keywords: all the words that will help you search for this work, aside from the entries in other fields. This can include alternate spellings, descriptive words, etc. Use commas between the words. [Prelude editors use abbreviations in the Voicing Detail field, but put the spelled-out instrument names in the Keywords field, just so you know.]
Type (REQUIRED): you must choose one of these types for your own Library works. These are general voicings, and you can use this in searches in the Planner. There is complete detail about this particular work in the Detailed Voicing field.
Lectionary Days: The church-year days on which this work is most appropriate. If you’re editing, use the pull-downs (both of them!) to select a lectionary day and year. Then click the Add button. If you goof you can click on the blue “X” next to each lectionary day listing to delete it.
If you’re editing anything here, CLICK THE GREEN SAVE BUTTON!
Additional Information
Tune Name: if this work is based on a hymn tune, that title goes here.
Key: the main key of the work. If you’re editing this information in My Library or My Church’s Library, use M for major and Min for minor; use b (lower case B) for flat and # for sharp. Examples: BbMin, AM, C#Min.
Voicing Detail: all the detail about the voicing. An example: SSATTB, org, br qnt, opt. vln. For your own works you can spell out the voicing, too (SSATTB, organ, brass quintet, opt. violin). See the note about Keywords, above.
Vocal Range: Prelude provides this for hymns, so you can choose hymns that suit your congregation’s vocal range.
Difficulty: 1/E = Easy; 2/EM = Easy to Medium; 3/M = Medium; 4/MD = Medium to Difficult; 5/D = Difficult. Of course this is subjective.
Scriptural References: the Bible citation(s) that this work is based on. For your Library works, use spelled-out names of Bible books (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). Separate multiple scripture references with semicolons.
Season: the church season that this work is appropriate for. Prelude editors use: Advent – Christmas – Time after Epiphany – Lent – Easter – Time after Pentecost. For your own Library works you can enter anything you wish.
Hymn Number: if this work is a hymn this is the number that is associated with it, in a printed hymnal.
ISBN: the ISBN or product code that you’d want to know to re-order this from a retailer.
Store ID: that code, if it’s different from the ISBN above.
Publisher: the Publisher’s name
If you’re editing anything here, CLICK THE GREEN SAVE BUTTON!
Preview panel
Here you can preview any content files associated with this work – scores, recordings, instrumental parts, congregational parts… If digital files are present they’ll be listed in the window on the left, below. Click on any one of these to preview it on the right.
To upload a file to one of your Libraries’ listings, select a file type from the pull-down, and then click on “Choose File” to find the file you want to upload, on your local computer or network. The list of file types that Prelude can preview is listed below this. Click on the green “upload” button to complete the process.
Copyright panel
Here is where you’ll view information about all the people who contributed to this work. If you’re working on a work from your Libraries you can add any number of contributors here. As you type Prelude will suggest one or more entries that match something already in the Prelude database. We suggest you use these (click on the suggestion you like), so searching will working more smoothly and powerfully.
If, on a work from your Libraries, you need to add another Contributor, simply click on the blue “New Contributor” link at the right. This will open a simple form for you to fill in.
My Notes panel
You can add your own notes to any work in Prelude, whether from Prelude’s Library or from one of your own Libraries. This could be reminders about usage, difficult passages, rehearsal techniques – anything you like. Everyone on your church’s account will see these notes.
Location of files: for your own Libraries you can enter a location code or name, to help you find your copies of this work quickly.
Number of Copies Owned: again, for your own Libraries you can keep track here of how many physical copies you have.
Last Scheduled: this list shows you the entire history of when you’ve planned this work using Prelude. Now you don’t have to worry about when you sang or played a work last!
If you’re editing anything here, CLICK THE GREEN SAVE BUTTON!