Hymnal Abbreviations
Here are the abbreviations you should use when searching for a hymn by its hymnal and hymn number (ex: ELW 525). You can use this in the basic Title/Keywords/Hymn Number search field in Prelude’s search area.
ELW: Evangelical Lutheran Worship
ACS: All Creation Sings
LLC: Libro de Liturgia y Cántico
TFF: This Far by Faith
LBW: Lutheran Book of Worship
WOV: With One Voice
W&P: Worship & Praise
MSB1: Music Sourcebook for Lent and the Three Days
MSB2: Music Sourcebook for Advent through Transfiguration
MSB3: Music Sourcebook for Life Passages
BOL: Bread of Life
OLS: Of the Land and Seasons
GS2: Global Songs 2
LS: LifeSongs
SP: Singing Our Prayer
RWSB: Renewing Worship Songbook
HFW: Hymns for Worship
ASG: As Sunshine to a Garden
CBM: Come, Beloved of the Maker
DATH: Dancing at the Harvest
OBS: O Blessed Spring
PBS: Peace, Be Still
PPSR: Psalm Project: Sharing the Road
PPSJ: Psalm Project Shout for Joy
H82: Hymnal 1982