All posts in Home Page

Home Page

At the top of the Prelude Home Page is a search box. In addition to typing in a search term you can choose a Genre (kind of like picking a department in an online store), to focus your search. When you click “Go” you’ll go to the Planner page with search . . . Read more

Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria provides devotions for you to use with your choir or other ensemble. The devotions for the next week’s lectionary days are shown. Just click on a title and you’ll see the entire text in an overlay. Simply copy/paste this if you want to put it in a . . . Read more

Prelude Picks

The Prelude editors want to let you know about new music in the Library, timely offerings for your consideration, or overlooked gems. Prelude Picks presents you with editor-selected works for you to explore. Simply click on the image or on the title and you’ll be presented with the same detailed . . . Read more

Master Class

Master Class is a feed from the Prelude Blog. Here you’ll read advice from expert church musicians about rehearsal techniques, planning tips, quotes, Prelude news, and more. Excerpts are shown here, but simply click on the title of any item and a new tab will open in your browser with . . . Read more


Fanfare is where you’ll see announcements from the Prelude team. This could be news about new additions to the Prelude Library, announcements about upcoming user training webinars, site improvements, or anything else that will help you make better use of your Prelude subscription. Click on the title of any item . . . Read more

My Plans

In My Plans you can quickly find the Plan you’re looking for. The Calendar on the left shows the current month when you log in, with today’s date highlighted. Any dates on which you have Plans saved will have a small dot showing on them. You can change the month using the . . . Read more

Getting Started

You’ve probably already seen the help overlays that appear the first time you go to a page on Prelude. You can see them again by pressing the Esc key on your keyboard. Prelude provides you with great tools for searching and planning, but a little bit of set-up will help . . . Read more